




Academic Quality at 德大学


Whether you know exactly where you're heading, or you're still planning your next steps, it all starts with a simple conversation. 大家一起说.

Committed to an Empowering Education

We believe in an education centered around your priorities and journey. 澳门十大赌厅app大学及其凯勒管理研究生院在提供高质量和创新的高等教育方面有着悠久的历史, evolving our programs and approach to be more relevant to what matters to you. We have helped students earn certificates, 联系, Bachelor's and 硕士学位 in a variety of fields for more than 85 years.

德大学 is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) www.hlcommission.org, a national agency that accredits U.S. colleges and universities at the institutional level. 这是非常重要的. Important to you—and important when you’re interviewing for a job, 争取升职, 或者申请研究生院.

DeVry’s National Advisory Committees

DeVry的国家咨询委员会(NACs)负责指导大学学术课程的发展和提高。. Discipline-focused NACs由多位领导人组成 在工业, 谁与DeVry的教师和管理人员合作,审查DeVry的项目和课程,努力确保与持续的技术变革形成的职业的相关性和适用性. 在一起, these professionals explore talent gaps 在工业; skills required for entry-level positions; technologies driving ongoing employee development; certifications required for today’s workforce; and industry developments and their effect on staffing needs.

Laying the Groundwork for Academic Quality

The rigors of academic coursework, 为大学教育提供资金,将学习融入充实而忙碌的生活,这只是许多学生——尤其是非传统学生——在攻读学位时面临的几个障碍. 在德, 我们致力于通过提供无障碍教育,包括持续的支持和学生服务,帮助学生取得成功.


Measuring and Improving Academic Quality

In our online and on-campus classrooms across the country, 我们希望营造一个环境,鼓励我们的学生成为终身学习者和有价值的专业人士. 我们学生的成功与我们课程的优势直接相关, 学习方法和 教师. 除了, student services outside the classroom, such as academic advising and career guidance, 在帮助学生完成澳门十大赌厅app和毕业后探索未来职业选择方面发挥重要作用.


We want to ensure you get the credit you deserve. 这就是为什么你可以 转移合格学分 from another college toward earning a DeVry associate or bachelor’s degree. 此外,符合条件的转学生可以帮助支付你的教育费用 面向未来的转学奖学金.

本科 校友 学费 Savings

If you’re a DeVry or Keller 研究生 School of Management 研究生, 在获得合格的本科证书的同时,你可能有资格获得15%的学费节省, associate or bachelor’s program at DeVry. 请求信息以了解更多信息.

The Five Tenets of Academic Quality

Advances in Curriculum and Innovation

技术 shapes our interactions with the world and the classroom. 在这个原则下, 我们通过评估最新的技术工具来提升我们的课程,为学生提供学习体验. 这包括:

  • 学习方法

    从经过行业验证的课程工具和软件到多个校园的互联课堂技术, our learning methodologies help create a dynamic, 以学生为中心, active and experiential learning environment, and foster the life skills necessary in a global environment.

  • Library Resources and 信息 Literacy

    德大学 Learning Commons提供了全面的学习资源和工具, and a strategic approach to information literacy. During a course of study and through reference services like Ask-a-Librarian, 为学生提供信息素养方面的指导,并提供机会练习查找和使用信息.

  • 导师ing and Online Academic Support

    利用导师.com1 to receive 1-on-1 assistance. 我们的 tutors are there whenever you need help!


学习成果指的是学生根据所学的知识应该能做什么. 我们收集数据来衡量学生在整个教育过程中的学习成果. Through a systematic cycle of assessment, 我们可以及时做出改进,支持学生实现他们的教育和职业目标:

  • 项目评估

    我们在通识教育和商业课程中使用标准化评估来衡量知识, analytical and problem-solving skills gained by students in their field of study. 课程水平评估也帮助我们衡量学习成果,评估应用特定课程知识的技能. We use this information to make continuous improvements to the curriculum.

  • Student Persistence and Graduation

    To help students follow through with their educational journey, we carefully measure persistence and graduation rates and work to improve them. 通过投资支持项目, we strive to help and support every student to make it to graduation.

教师发展 and Engagement

教员 are at the heart of our institution, 他们经常参与有意义的活动,在他们的领域和课堂上产生影响. This highlights how 教师 members engage with students; collaborate with each other and their larger academic communities and connect with the world around them. 这包括:

  • 教师发展

    Long known for industry experience, and an ability to provide students with real-world practices from the field, our professors are also academicians who are passionate about teaching. 近年来, DeVry在加强教师在保持学术质量方面的作用方面取得了重大进展.

  • Investment in Growth and Development

    DeVry supports 教师 to advance their academic credentials. 除了, 我们的教授职位, 每年的教师座谈会和澳门十大赌厅app大学学术研究杂志为教师的发展和晋升创造了机会.

  • 评估及评核

    每个学生都对我们的教师、课程、服务和教室设置提供持续的反馈. Through student satisfaction measurement tools, such as Net Promoter Score assessments, we can determine the quality of our courses and programs.


我们关心学生的一种方式是提供从申请到毕业及以后的个人支持. 另一种方式是提供职业建议,帮助学生建立自己的专业档案. 这一原则强调了我们如何定制支持级别来帮助学生实现目标:

  • 学生支持

    我们的目标是不断提高我们为学生提供的服务质量和教育质量. 一个重要的学生支持工具, StudentLinc,免费为学生及其家庭提供咨询服务.

  • 俱乐部和比赛

    We create opportunities for students to participate in 行业相关社团 and competitions to stretch their academic knowledge. By networking with peers and participating 在工业 events, 学生磨练他们的技能,获得丰富的经验,提高他们的投资组合.

Student Engagement to Graduation and Beyond

Graduation day is a significant milestone for our students, 作为一所以就业为中心的大学, it is simply the beginning of a new chapter in our relationship with them. 这一宗旨反映了我们与校友的互动,以及我们为他们提供职业服务支持的能力:

  • 职业服务

    我们的 职业服务 顾问通过与学生一起制定职业准备计划并提供支持他们成功的工具来帮助学生.

  • 校友社区及参与

    We have a full-scale alumni engagement plan that includes the 德大学 and Keller 校友 Association, a bi-yearly alumni survey and active social media engagement. 我们利用调查的反馈来改进我们针对学生和校友的举措, and foster a community of thriving lifelong learners.

1Each student is allotted 13 hours of tutoring per academic session through www.导师.Com(全天候可用). Additional tutoring services are also available through www.DeVry导师s.com.