






Whether federally or privately funded, loans help you finance educational expenses so you can continue your education. DeVry offers loans for undergraduate students, as well as graduate students who attend Keller 研究生 School of Management. 如果你想填补以需求为基础的经济援助资格和总教育费用之间的差距, student loans may be the right choice for you.1 Check out the information below to learn more about the student loan process, 包括 how to apply for student loans at DeVry.

Get To Know the Student Loan Process

学生通过填写联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA®)申请联邦学生贷款。. 完成FAFSA后, t在这里 will be two additional steps that must be completed to secure your loans. Your Student Support Advisor will help guide you through these steps. 学生贷款机会分为两类:联邦学生贷款和私人学生贷款.



联邦直接贷款是低息贷款,为入学至少一半的学生提供在校延期. 贷款金额是基于依赖状态和注册到你的学位学分数. Eligible students borrow directly from the U.S. 教育部.


  • 直接向联邦政府借款,并与直接贷款服务中心联系,处理与偿还贷款有关的一切事宜, even if you receive Direct 贷款 at different schools

  • 可以选择从几个还款计划,旨在满足几乎任何借款人的需要, and you can switch repayment plans if your needs change

To learn more about 联邦直接贷款, visit the 联邦学生资助 网站.


联邦直接无补贴贷款 are non-need based, low-interest loans available to eligible students enrolled at least half-time. 贷款数额取决于许多因素,如学生的出勤费用和联邦指导方针. 请浏览 联邦利率和费用 page on the 联邦学生资助 网站.


联邦PLUS贷款是基于信用的贷款,为符合条件的学生提供至少一半的注册时间. For undergraduate students, the PLUS borrower must be one of the student's parents. For graduate students, the PLUS borrower is the student. PLUS贷款不以需要为基础,贷款金额基于学生未支付的出勤费用.


  • Direct PLUS 贷款 for Parents of 本科 Students

  • Direct PLUS 贷款 for 研究生 and Professional 学位 Students


DeVry observes the federal regulations regarding student loan requirements.

行为准则协议旨在建立和确保统一的学生贷款实践,以借款人的最佳利益为重点. 在这些文件中, restrictions are defined to manage the relationships among school employees, 学习机构, lender advisory board members and student loan organizations. 鼓励学生审查行为准则协议,以了解更多有关贷款规定的要求.



私人贷款是用于教育费用的银行贷款,不受政府担保. Private loans are made by a bank or lender (not the U.S. 教育署), 许多项目允许学生借款,额度不超过出勤费减去获得的任何经济援助(包括联邦学生贷款)。. Terms of repayment vary depending upon the lending institution.

Lenders may perform a credit check to determine credit worthiness (income, 就业, 住院医生实习期, 等.),然后才批准这些贷款. Some students may need a co-signer.

Because interest rates may be higher for private loans, 首先完成FAFSA申请和确定联邦贷款和赠款的资格可能是有益的, then borrow only what you need to pay the balance of your education costs.

法律要求联邦学生贷款提供一系列灵活的还款选择, 包括, 但不限于, income-based repayment and income-contingent repayment plans, 贷款减免的好处, which private student loans are not required to provide.

如果您有兴趣了解更多关于私人贷款,请与您的学生支持顾问交谈. 有关具体私人贷款计划的更多信息,请联系您选择的贷方. Note that you are not limited in your choice of lenders—feel free to shop around. See below to learn about the application process.

The application process for private loans:
  1. 提交你的FAFSA. If you have not submitted your FAFSA, visit studentaid.ed.gov / sa / fafsa.

  2. Review your estimated financial aid awards with your Student Support Advisor.

  3. Determine how much you need to borrow in each loan program.

  4. 如果你有剩余的费用没有被经济援助或其他助学金或奖学金覆盖, you may want to consider a private loan. Remember to borrow wisely, and borrow only what you need for educational expenses.

  5. 当你申请私人贷款时, 有一个信用检查程序, 所以你的贷款审批, subsequent interest rate and loan fees (if applicable), 是基于你的信用状况吗.

DeVry does not make any recommendations regarding lender selection. The lenders in the link below are listed in alphabetical order, and t在这里fore do not indicate any sort of rank or preference. 鼓励学生在选择贷款人之前审查每个贷款人的条款和条件. Lender terms and eligibility criteria sometimes change, 虽然下面列出的所有贷款人目前都向DeVry学生提供贷款, 他们可能并不总是这样做. Students may choose to borrow from one of the 上市私人贷款机构 或者从其他贷款人那里.

Payment Plan arrangements, 包括 loans, for inactive students.

     我们理解,如果您离开学校并且有未偿余额,您可能需要灵活的付款方式.  For more information on payment options that may be available to you, please click 在这里

How to Apply for 学生贷款: FAQs


学年的联邦直接补贴和/或无补贴贷款数额取决于几个因素,如你的年级水平和经济需求. 你的学生支持顾问可以根据你的个人情况提供详细的信息.

Do I have to accept all of the loan funds I am offered?

你可以减少你的贷款金额或完全拒绝他们,仍然保留你的经济援助计划的其他部分. 我们将提供初步奖励,以协助支付学生有资格获得的学费和相关费用,并鼓励您只借您需要的钱. 学生支持顾问将与你一起工作,这样你就可以确定在你独特的情况下什么是有意义的.

What is the interest rate on a student loan?

请浏览 联邦学生资助 office's 利率及费用 page for the most up to date interest rate information.

What is the difference between subsidized and unsubsidized loans?

联邦直接无补贴贷款适用于符合条件的本科生和研究生. 联邦直接补贴贷款只适用于符合条件的本科生.

The main differences between the two loans are:

  1. 补贴贷款的资格是基于经济需要,而非补贴贷款则不是.
  2. 当学生在学校注册至少一半时间时,政府支付补贴贷款的利息.
  3. Subsidized loans are available only to eligible undergraduate students.

How often do I need to complete the Master Promissory Note (MPN)?

The Master Promissory Note (MPN) is good for ten (10) years in most cases.

When can I expect my credit balance?

Disbursements occur between weeks two through five of each session. 信用余额将在收到学生账户信用余额之日起14天内寄出. 如果您有资格获得信用余额,并且在信用余额通知的14天内没有收到您的支票, 届时请与我们联系.

FAFSA® is a registered trademark of the U.S. 教育部